Docs (4.0.0)
Test context

interface OutputSelectFilter

An object that provides filters to match a set of output elements, to be asserted using OutputAssertion.

interface OutputSelectFilter

Instance Members

  • elementThe element itself, if known.
  • sourceThe source component that rendered the output.
  • typeA type of element (string or class).
  • disabledTrue if the element must be disabled, false if it must not.
  • readOnlyTrue if the element must be readonly, false if it must not.
  • pressedTrue if a button must be selected (pressed), false if it must not.
  • focusedTrue if the element must be focused, false if it must not.
  • checkedTrue if the toggle must be checked, false if it must not.
  • textText or label content, as an exact match or regular expression.
  • iconA string representation of the element’s icon content, must be an exact match.
  • chevronA button element’s chevron direction, must be an exact match.
  • imageUrlAn image URL, must be an exact match.
  • valueThe current input value for text fields.
  • accessibleRoleA matching element’s accessible role.
  • accessibleLabelA matching element’s accessible label.
  • stylesA set of style overrides that must be applied to a matching element (values for e.g. bold, textColor, and background).
  • styleClassA base style class that must be applied to a matching element (i.e. a subclass of UIStyle).