Docs (4.0.0)

type TestResultsData

A data structure that includes test results from a single run.

type TestResultsData = Readonly<{
    results: ReadonlyArray<TestResult>;
    time: number;
    failed: boolean;
    totals: Readonly<{
        wait: number;
        run: number;
        fail: number;
        todo: number;
        skip: number;
        pass: number;


This data structure is returned by getTestResults(), and contains a list of test results as well as a summary.

It contains the following properties:

  • results — An array of objects, with one TestResult for each test. All test are included in the list, even if they haven’t (yet) run.
  • time — The total time taken by all tests, in milliseconds.
  • failed — True if any of the tests has failed (i.e. fail or todo state).
  • totals — An object that contains the total number of tests in each state.