Docs (4.0.0)
Web context

class WebTheme

The base web context theme.

class WebTheme
extends UITheme


Static Members

Inherited Members

  • rowSpacingDefault spacing between components in a row, defaults to 8.
  • separatorMarginDefault margin around separator components, defaults to 8.
  • iconSizeDefault icon and chevron icon size, in pixels or string with unit; no default.
  • darkTextColorDefault dark text color, defaults to #000000.
  • lightTextColorDefault light text color, defaults to #ffffff.
  • modalFactoryAn object that contains functions that are used for creating various modal views.
  • colorsA map that defines a set of predefined colors.
  • iconsA map that defines a set of predefined icons.
  • animationsA map that defines a set of predefined output transform animations.
  • effectsA map that defines a set of predefined output effects.
  • stylesA map that defines a set of predefined styles.
  • clone()Returns a new UITheme object that’s a clone of this object.