Docs (4.0.0)
ui method


JSX support for UI components.


jsx(f: string, presets: any, any[]): ViewClass


This function provides support for JSX elements, when used in .jsx or .tsx files. it’s used by the TypeScript compiler (or any other JSX compiler) to convert JSX elements to function calls.

To enable JSX support for TypeScript projects, set the jsxFactory configuration to ui.jsx, and import ui in each .tsx file to allow the compiler to access it.

Bindings in label text — Several JSX elements accept text content, namely <label>, <button>, <toggle>, and <textfield> (for placeholder text). This text is assigned to the text, label, or placeholder properties, and may consist of plain text and bindings (i.e. the result of bound() functions, refer to Binding for more information).

As a shortcut within JSX text content, bindings may also be specified directly using %[...] syntax, which are used with bound.strf(). In addition, this syntax may be used with aliases and default string values:

  • Foo: %[foo] — inserts a binding for foo
  • Foo: %[foo:.2f] — inserts a binding for foo, and uses bound.strf() to format the bound value as a number with 2 decimals
  • Foo: %[foo=somePropertyName] — inserts a binding for somePropertyName, but allows for localization of Foo: %[foo] instead
  • Foo: %[foo=another.propertyName:.2f] — inserts a bindings for another.propertyName, but allows for localization of Foo: %[foo:.2f] instead.
  • Foo: %[foo=some.numProp:?||None] — inserts a binding for some.numProp, but allows for localization of Foo: %[foo:?||None] instead (and inserts None if the value for some.numProp is undefined or an empty string).


  • uiAn object with functions for creating UI components and other resources.