Docs (4.0.0)
class TestCase method


Runs a function at the specified interval (in ms).

pollAsync(poll: () => true | any, interval?: number, timeout?: number, onTimeout?: () => Error | void): Promise<void>


This method calls a poll function at a specific interval (in milliseconds), until it returns true. When it does, the promise returned by this method is resolved, and the test case may continue.

If a timeout is provided (also in milliseconds), then the returned promise is rejected after the specified amount of time and the poll function will no longer be called — if the function didn’t already return true or threw an error, and if the test hasn’t yet failed otherwise. The returned promise is rejected with a generic timeout error, or the result of the onTimeout function if provided.

  • The provided function runs synchronously, promise return values aren’t awaited.
  • If the provided function throws an error, the error is passed on: the promise returned by this method is rejected.
  • If the test itself fails in the meantime, the provided function will no longer be called.

This method is asynchronous, and must be awaited (otherwise any running test will fail automatically).


  • poll — The function to call at the specified interval
  • interval — The poll interval, in milliseconds
  • timeout — The timeout, in milliseconds, after which the returned promise is rejected
  • onTimeout — A function that’s called just before the promise is rejected on timeout; may return an error which is used when rejecting the promise

Return value

A promise (void) that’s resolved when polling stops, or rejected if the function throws an error or a timeout occurs


describe("My scope", () => {
  test("Do something", async (t) => {
    // ... start something that goes on for a while
    await t.pollAsync(() => {
      if (something.isDone()) return true;
      if (something.hasFailed()) throw Error("Oops");
    }, 100);
