Docs (4.0.0)

class UIToggle

A view control that represents a checkbox or toggle input.

class UIToggle
extends UIComponent


A toggle component is rendered on-screen as a checkbox or toggle control that can be switched on and off by the user.


Type Members

Instance Members

  • applyViewPreset(preset)Applies the provided preset properties to this object.
  • stateThe current toggle state, true for toggle ‘on’ state.
  • labelThe toggle label to be displayed, if any.
  • formFieldForm context field name, used with UIFormContext.
  • formContextThe nearest containing form context.
  • disabledTrue if user input should be disabled on this control.
  • styleThe style to be applied to the toggle control as a whole.
  • labelStyleThe style to be applied to the toggle label.

Inherited Members