Docs (4.0.0)

class UICell

A view class that represents a cell container component.

class UICell
extends UIContainer


A cell container functions like a regular container component, and lays out other components either vertically (default) or horizontally.


Type Members

Instance Members

  • applyViewPreset(preset)Applies the provided preset properties to this object.
  • textDirectionText direction (rtl or ltr) for all components within this cell.
  • marginAdditional space to be added around the entire cell, in pixels or CSS length with unit, or an object with separate offset values.
  • borderRadiusBorder radius, in pixels or CSS length with unit.
  • backgroundCell background color, defaults to undefined (no fill).
  • textColorText color for labels within this cell.
  • opacityOpacity level (0–1), defaults to undefined (opaque).
  • effectAn output effect that will be applied when the cell is rendered.
  • styleThe style to be applied to this cell.

Inherited Members