Docs (4.0.0)

class UIScrollContainer

A view class that represents a container component that allows users to scroll, emitting asynchronous scroll events.

class UIScrollContainer
extends UIContainer


A scroll container functions like a regular container component, but allows users to scroll horizontally and/or vertically.


Type Members

Instance Members

  • applyViewPreset(preset)Applies the provided preset properties to this object.
  • topThresholdVertical threshold (in pixels) until which UIScrollEvent.atTop is set, defaults to 0.
  • bottomThresholdVertical threshold (in pixels) until which UIScrollEvent.atBottom is set, defaults to 0.
  • horizontalThresholdHorizontal threshold (in pixels) until which UIScrollEvent.atHorizontalStart or UIScrollEvent.atHorizontalEnd is set, defaults to 0.
  • verticalScrollEnabledTrue if vertical scrolling should be enabled if necessary, defaults to true.
  • horizontalScrollEnabledTrue if horizontal scrolling should be enabled if necessary, defaults to true.
  • scrollTo(yOffset?, xOffset?)Scrolls to the specified pair of vertical and horizontal offset values.
  • scrollToTop()Scroll to the top of the scrollable content, if possible.
  • scrollToBottom()Scroll to the bottom of the scrollable content, if possible.

Inherited Members